Chiropractors use adjustments to restore joint function and support the nervous system.
They help patients maintain optimal health while avoiding unnecessary drugs or surgery.
To learn more, enjoy the video below:

Understanding Chiropractic
Chiropractic care is about much more than symptom relief. Chiropractors provide their patients with vital, preventative, and non-invasive health care through regular checks and adjustments. At the center of that specialized and trained care is an expert understanding of the science of vertebral subluxation.
A vertebral subluxation occurs when one or more vertebrae in the spine become misaligned, compressing spinal nerves and disturbing optimal nerve function. Chiropractic’s primary focus involves locating, analyzing and correcting these misalignments.
Vertebral Subluxation in the History of Chiropractic
The term “subluxation” has a long history in the healing practices, dating back to the time of Hippocrates, the ancient Greek physician regarded as the “Father of Medicine.” The word refers to a dislocation or displacement and has been integral to chiropractic education since the very beginning. Chiropractic’s founder, D.D. Palmer, reasoned that even a slight misaligned vertebra could cause pressure on the spinal cord or nerves.
“Chiropractors have found in every disease that is supposed to be contagious, a cause in the spine,” wrote B.J. Palmer, the famous developer of chiropractic, in 1909. “In the spinal column, we will find a subluxation that corresponds to every type of disease.”
As chiropractic science is concerned with preserving and restoring health, it focuses particular attention on subluxations of the tiny bones of the spine. A vertebral subluxation happens when one or more of bones of the spine are out of position and compress spinal nerves. These nerves are the primary communication link between the body to the brain. Pressure on these nerves interferes with the communication between the body and the brain, which may cause organs, tissues, and cells not to function properly. Chiropractic identifies, analyzes and helps correct these disturbances to restore the body’s natural balance and the potential for self-healing.

How a Subluxation Interferes with Optimal Health
A subluxation interrupts the proper operation of the body’s nerve system, compromising the maintenance of optimal health. The human body consists of several interrelated systems, functioning with an innate intelligence to adapt to changes in our internal environment and the world around us. Every moment, impulses are delivered between the brain and the body’s 100 trillion cells to coordinate every movement and function. Impulses send this intricate information through the nerve connections in our spine. When vertebrae become subluxated because of any number of factors, interference results in the body’s communication process, negatively affecting functions and performance.
Short-term and regular chiropractic care have a number of benefits including:
spinal and extremity pain relief
headache relief
increased mobility and range of motion
decreased stiffness and muscular spasms
arthritic joint pain relief
increased joint health
increased performance and energy
increased sense of well-being and relaxation
increased balance and coordination
reduced degeneration and risk of injury
enhanced tissue healing
decreased tissue inflammation

Make an appointment to talk to our doctor about how chiropractic may be able to help you.

Applied Kinesiology
Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a method of assessment and therapy that involves observation and treatment of the musculoskeletal system. The practice includes testing different muscles and muscle groups to identify areas of weakness that link to imbalances in the organs, the digestive system, the blood supply, or other parts of the body. Treatments are then aimed to stimulate the body's own natural healing abilities. AK is considered a holistic approach to health and wellness, and it is a valuable tool in functional medicine.
Doctors use the methods of AK to gain a complete picture of the patient's health. Some of the most common benefits of AK include greater emotional well-being, increased mental alertness, stress relief, improved nutrition, healing of muscle injuries, pain relief, and a strengthened immune system. Because the therapy treats the mind and body as a single, unified system, the therapy is not used to diagnose or treat specific diseases. However, the methods of AK can complement traditional medical treatments as well as help to prevent disease by identifying and correcting nutritional deficits. Many practitioners also use the approach to identify food allergies and sensitivities the patient may not be aware of.
One of the most common methods of assessment in AK is muscle testing, and it is based on the idea that muscle strength conveys the strength of communication between the brain and the limb being tested. A weak muscle can indicate a blockage in the communication system, much like the concept of blocked energy in Chinese medicine. When a practitioner tests a patient's muscles, he or she is measuring the muscle's resistance to pressure. The doctor might ask the patient to hold out his or her arm and keep it stiff while the doctor tries to pull it down. Or the patient might make a bicep curl and resist the doctor's efforts to straighten the arm. To test for allergies, the patient might undergo muscle testing while holding a certain food in his or her hand or mouth. A weak response in the presence of a food or other substance indicates the possibility of a sensitivity to that substance.
Applied Kinesiology can be safe and effective for patients of all ages and in all conditions. Some of the patients who benefit the most from AK are those who have complex medical issues that have not been resolved through standard medical treatments. However, it is important to note that AK is not meant to be a substitute for standard treatments for a serious condition like cancer, diabetes, or kidney disease. Instead, applied kinesiology can be implemented most effectively to promote wellness and support healing while a patient is undergoing other forms of treatment.
AK was first introduced by a chiropractor, Dr. George Goodheart, in 1964. He first observed that each muscle group was related to a bodily organ or system and noted weakness in a muscle can indicate an imbalance of some kind. He innovated methods of testing muscles and correcting muscle weakness through acupressure massage and dietary changes. Much of Goodheart's work is collected in a series of manuals he published over 34 years along with six books and dozens of articles.
Though AK was first used by chiropractors, it has since been adopted by many other types of practitioners, including naturopaths, acupuncturists, and some medical doctors. Moreover, it has continued to develop through contributions from research and experiences in multiple types of practices.
Make an appointment to talk to our chiropractic doctor about the benefits of Applied Kinesiology.

Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)
What is Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)?
It’s human nature to have an emotional response to the events in our lives. However, when those emotions result in prolonged episodes of stress, our bodies can essentially lock a response in our sympathetic nervous system as a neuro-emotional complex (NEC). That can manifest as ill health.
Neuro Emotional Technique, or NET, uses muscle testing, body reflex points, and semantic reactions (physiological reactions to memories or words) to assist and guide you to recall the specific negative emotion and when it first occurred.
This engages a specific neuro-emotional pattern, a reactive ‘button’. While you mentally hold the emotional memory, a gentle physical correction associated with it is made to ‘deactivate’ the button, releasing the reactive response.
This allows the body to heal naturally.
In the past, people related to emotions as being psychological. Now scientific discoveries have been made showing emotions to be physiological. Although the primary locations for the physiology of emotions are in the brain, spine, autonomic nervous system, and acupuncture circuits, emotions do affect all parts of the body in a physiological way.
Research has shown that while the primary locations for the physiology of emotions are in the brain, spine, nervous system and acupuncture circuits, emotions do in fact affect all parts of the body. But what happens when negative emotions linger, and when our bodies don’t return to a balanced state after the initial stress reaction?
Periods of prolonged emotional stress can result in neuro-emotional complexes, which tend to manifest in physical ailments such as headaches, body pain, phobias, anxiety, organ dysfunction and much more.
Drawing from traditional Chinese medicine, chiropractic and applied kinesiology, Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) is a mind-body stress-reduction method that helps treat behavioral and physical conditions by focusing on negative emotional blocks. The goal is to identify the cause of negative physiological reactions to events and help the patient release it and move on to better things.
Make an appointment to talk to our chiropractic doctor about the benefits of Neuro Emotional Technique (NET).

Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT)
The Sacro Occipital Technique
Developed by Dr. M. B. DeJarnette, SOT was designed to align with human structural distortions by using custom designed wedges to balance the pelvis and spine. The base of any person’s physical structure begins with the pelvis, as it supports the spine, shoulders, legs, and feet.
Your internal organs are supported by particular ligaments that connect to the spine and pelvis. Your upper thighs and back muscles, including those responsible for maintaining stability within your neck and shoulders, are all attached to the pelvis.
For your body to be able to perform correctly, your pelvis must be balanced at all times to support healthy nerve function.
The Important Role of The Pelvis
Your brain and spinal cord connect to form the central nervous system, which is considered to be the primary influencer when it comes to controlling the rest of your body’s capabilities.
The central nervous system helps your tissues, organs, and other internal systems communicate with each other, which allows for proper regulation and nerve circulation between your brain and the rest of your body.
This dynamic ultimately allows your brain to manage and dictate how they rest of your systems perform.
The Benefits of The Sacro Occipital Technique
The SOT is meant to improve your body’s overall performance by targeting specific areas of your spine and the tissue that surrounds it. When activated, your Chiropractor will position your body in a particular manner that uses your weight as resistance.
The primary purpose of this technique is to stabilize cranial sacral respiratory responses, which refers to restoring channels that allow your brain and spine to communicate with the rest of your body as efficiently as possible.
By maintaining a balanced pelvis and spine, your body has the best chance to perform correctly, communicate with other vital organs, and heal itself naturally.
How Does The Sacro Occipital Technique Work?
The Sacro Occipital Technique sees your Chiropractor use precise, light adjustments to stimulate healthy nerve function. This particular technique uses custom wedge-shaped blocks that allow your body to maintain complete balance, while the procedure is performed.
The difference between this particular technique compared to other Chiropractic solutions is how SOT recognizes the importance of physical reactions expressed in the form of:
Neurological responses
Muscle strength
Sensitive tissue
And other particular signs that determine whether or not an adjustment is necessary for improving your health.
As your body begins to respond to this technique, it can heal itself more efficiently, while also shedding the stress that exists throughout your spine.
Dr. Christine Meshew is a Certified
Make an appointment to talk to our chiropractic doctor about the benefits of the Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT).

ArthroStim Technique
(Advanced Activator)
The ArthoStim Technique
As technology advances, your chiropractor might discover new ways to provide treatment to his/her patients. As you can imagine, your doctor sees many different types of people of all shapes and sizes every day, each with different sensitivity levels and pain thresholds. With such a wide variety of patient needs, sometimes the manual adjustment a chiropractor can provide might not be as effective or efficient, which is why your doctor might use a tool like the ArthroStim Instrument to enhance their treatment sessions.
What is the ArthroStim?
The ArthroStim Instrument is a handheld machine that aids your chiropractor in performing adjustments. This powerful tool delivers 12-14 incremental thrusts per second, making it much stronger and faster than a typical single thrust administered by a chiropractor. By dividing the energy of a single thrust into rapid successive inputs, the ArthroStim Instrument modulates the force your physician applies in treatment, but in a much more comfortable and effective manner.

How does the ArthroStim instrument work?
In order to understand how an ArthroStim Instrument works, you have to understand how chiropractic adjustment works. A chiropractic adjustment produces precise movements which stimulate ‘neural receptors’ in an injured/affected area. These receptors will then produce nerve impulses which transmit important information to the brain. The brain will process this information and use it to update its awareness about the condition of an area. Once the brain evaluates the changes prompted by the adjustment, it can begin sending out self-correcting commands to the muscular system, and other systems, to bring about healing within your body. The ArthroStim is just another way to administer these adjustments, but it is faster, more comfortable and efficient due to its controlled repetitive input. This input produces a ‘snowballing’ effect on neural receptors and allows it to transmit more information to the brain with less effort, pain, and force.
What are the benefits of ArthroStim?
The ArthroStim Instrument allows your doctor to maintain the effectiveness of your treatment while greatly reducing the amount of force that is applied, which makes it easier to use on a wide variety of conditions and ailments. Individuals that may especially benefit from the use of the ArthroStim Instrument include:
Infants and young children
Individuals with acute or extreme pain
Particularly sensitive individuals
Individuals who dislike being “cracked”
Individuals who suffer from neck pain
Individuals who require adjustments to the extremeties
Elderly individuals
Even people who are larger and stronger and therefore more difficult to adjust from a standard single thrust will benefit from the ‘neurological assist’ that the ArthroStim Instrument provides.
Manual Adjustments vs. Instrument Assisted Adjustments with the ArthroStim
The Science Behind ArthroStim Instruments
The ArthroStim instrument is a chiropractic adjustment instrument that is reported to be as good and often better at relieving pain than manual adjustments. The ArthroStim is capable of applying pressure ranging from a few ounces to up to 40 pounds of force to a very targeted point on the body. The ArthroStim instrument delivers thrusts at a rate of 12-14 hertz. This is a higher frequency than many other chiropractic adjustment instruments.
Typically, your chiropractor might use the ArthroStim Instrument by itself or in combination with other adjusting techniques, but of course, this will depend on the approach they feel is best for your specific treatment. Speak to your chiropractor to find out about the methods they use, and whether or not they think Arthrostim will be right for you.
Make an appointment to talk to our chiropractic doctor about the benefits of the ArthroStim Technique .